Bosch no longer makes the electro-mechanical voltage regulators,
substituting a 'new generation'
transistorized one. We installed one of these after managing to
damage the old 25 ampere one by shorting the B+ terminal to ground
with the alligator clamp on the timing light.
A rev-limiter is designed to prevent over-revving and engine. All late
model Porsches include a rev-limiter included in the engine management
system. Destroying and engine by shifting into too low a gear
that tries to force the engine to operate beyond design parameters
has become a thing of the past.
I'm driving to the Parts Obsolete
Campout at the end of the week and decided to check the toein on my
car. The measurement and adjustment are easy and can be done in a
couple hours including building the tools.
I've added a page with some images that
can be downloaded as wallpaper or screen savers. Enjoy.
After rebuilding the generator which
died on the way home from picking up my car from the shop, the fan
belt broke. So I put together this page on
fan belt adjustment.